Free Webinar: How to Make Video Games – Code Your First Game!

Ever wanted to create your own video games? Learn how to code your first game in this free webinar, no prior experience needed!

About this event

If you are interested in video game development, you may know that coding is a critical element of making video games. But how do you actually get started with programming a game? Isn’t coding supposed to be really difficult?

If you’ve had these doubts, you’ll definitely want to check out this class! In under two hours, attendees will learn the basics of coding by putting together a very basic browser-based game, using a special JavaScript library. You don’t have to download any software, because the development platform is on an easily-accessible, free website, and you can even share your game with others when you’re done!


  • Internet connection
  • Web browser (Firefox or Chrome are recommended, but any browser should be fine)
  • Keyboard (the game will be controlled using keys on the keyboard)
  • No previous experience with coding is necessary!

This is an ONLINE class. Link will be sent to attendees via email before event.

Two Dates to Choose From

With the event happening on two different days, you can decide whether you’d like to attend after school or work, or if you’d rather attend on a Saturday morning. Both events are the same, so you only need to attend one.

Can’t attend either date? No problem! The event recording will be sent out to anyone who registers!

Sign Up Link

You can sign up at Eventbrite:

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